Our Vision, Mission & Objectives


To reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for the vulnerable peoples on grass root level.


To bring about a positive change in local community, through an effective poverty alleviation strategy promoting education, women empowerment through education and Advocacy, agriculture, health and gave the life skills to vulnerable women.


  • To improve the livelihood conditions of poor communities through integrated interventions in Training, enterprise development, micro credit and Social Mobilization
  • To facilitate women empowerment through interventions for women rights, gender and equal participation with men in leadership and decision-making.
  • To establish, manage, maintain, own, administer, promote and subsidize educational institutions, computer literacy centres, schools, colleges, institutions for study and research, centres of learning, reading rooms, and other institutions for basic education, adult literacy, advanced studies and other educational fora with the permission of competent authority but not to act as a degree awarding institute.
  • To aid, assist, set up, maintain, administer and run programs for clean drinking water, general hygiene, cleanliness, proper sewerage and access roads for the poor population.
  • To take measure for social and economic uplift and empowerment of marginalized communities especially in rural area and urban slums to enable the communities to enhance sustainable development by initiating/implementing programs including savings, microfinance programme, Social mobilization, vocational trainings and capacity building of communities.
  • To concentrate on activities for integrated self-reliant and long-term development of the communities through various programs of Poverty Alleviation and human development endeavors and  link the communities with the government service delivery departments, donors, NGOs and the private sector.
  • To promote the activities for the cause of women development by initiating programs for income generation, awareness of their legal and basic rights.
  • To train and support human resources for devising, implementing and overseeing development projects and programs.
  • To impart skills and knowledge for improvement in human and institutional development through training and consultancy with NGOs, CBOs, and community groups.